[CH] How many "Ecuador" chiles?

Diavolillo (diavolillo@katamail.com)
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 13:12:13 +0200

Hi you all.

Inside Graeme Caselton's database of varieties, I found two "ecuador" chile,
one called simply "ecuador", the other called "ecuador hot": the pictures
are the same. These the Graeme's words :

"Ecuador (Capsicum pubescens). A purple ornamental pepper with good heat.
Suitable for growing in containers. From Ecuador. "

"Ecuador Hot Very hot.
0.75 inches long. From Ecuador. (Capsicum annuum)."

only a picture mistake or swap? or only one variety, named two times?

I bought some "ecuador purple" seeds by a italian nursery, but the leaves
are all green and not dark, maybe because cross pollination; only one plant,
beetween a dozen,has dark -green -hairy leaves and purple blooms.It seems to
be a "capsicum pubescens" plant: it is very weird.
The leaves have evident down, but they are smaller and narrower than a
regular and known
"Rocoto rojo".

Thanks for any suggestion.
Michele from Bari, Italy.