Re: [CH] Habs, et al.

Carol A. Sharpe (
Sun, 22 Jul 2001 09:21:28 -0500

Hi all,

    New person here, Be gentle. Not quite a chili-head yet, working my way
up<G>. After all I am originally a CT Yankee of English and Swedish decent.
I was a teenager before my mom would even use garlic powder in food. <
     I do like my jalapenos with cream cheese. Never considered peanut
butter though.

    Plant questions - My jals are doing fine so far. But I have two habs,
two Tabasco's in a bed (along with assorted sweet peppers) that are all
dropping their older leaves like flies at a Raid convention. New leaves are
coming in fine, but after a while they get kinda splotchy brown like when
those dang psychedelic plant bugs of some sort had been sucking on them
earlier in the spring, then they drop off. We have had - in the last few
weeks - on and off rain and WARM as in STEAMY conditions. It has been dry
for the last week - we actually need some rain. Anyone know what I am
battling?? I did see a couple of infant Tabascos developing.

    I also "rescued" and potted up an couple of serrenos that the beans had
taken hostage in the next bed and they seem to be fine.

    I know those varieties are a bit on the HOT end of the scale. What are
some good milder varieties to grow next year for this infant chili-head?
These were what was available locally as plants.

Carol A. Sharpe
Sharwa Farm
Beef Cattle, Nubian and Boer Goats
and a host of other Critters
Fayetteville TN.
(south central TN)