[CH] Fire & Ice

Paul Karpowicz (hondamedic@mediaone.net)
Fri, 3 Aug 2001 01:16:36 -0400

To All Pods On This List,
     AM I the only one who likes "Fire & Ice"??
>green, CH #2156 writes
>Think I'd rather try the vodka and peepers.
Recipe to change your (& others ) opinion,

Gather the following:
Extremely hot peppers (i.e. Habs/Red Savinas)
Plastic "Nip" bottles of your favorite Vodka
(bein' a knuckle-dragger mine's the cheapest I can buy)

Slice pepper as thin as possible.
Open nip and put as much pepper in bottle AS YOU DARE!
Put nip in freezer for 2/4 weeks.
On a really hot & humid day (like L.B. hasn't experienced this year) take
nip out of freezer....remove cap.....place nip opening between lips....
squeeze nip!!!!!  As the frozen vodka chills your innards the heat from
peppers increases sweat production.
    Only a true Chile-Head can appreciate wanting to sweat,
      Paul (The NortEast ChileMan)