[CH] Chile leaves

Scudder, Doug (doug@smbsd.k12.ca.us)
Sat, 08 Sep 2001 12:24:16 -0700

I picked a bag of Fresnos for the folks at work and, in the course of 
distributing them, I got a whiff of an incredible aroma emanating from the 
bag.  I, of course, stuck my face in the bag and inhaled deeply.  What a 
great, smoky, earthy, green aroma!  I took one of the chiles out and 
sniffed it all over (it's o.k., the people I work with aren't surprised 
easily) to determine the source of the smell.  It seemed to be coming from 
the blossom end of the chile.  Has anyone tried to use "chile-greens" in 
cooking?  Is it just that  Fresnos are very aromatic when they're freshly 

Anxiously awaiting comment.

In Chiles,
