Re: [CH] mexican queso

Eric Murray (
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 11:15:15 -0700

On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 11:06:33AM -0600, Keegan Smith wrote:
> Eric:
> I lived in Oaxaca (wah-ha-ka) Mex for a short time, and became quite fond of 
> the "Oaxacan string cheese" (queso fresco Oaxaceno?).  It is white, and 
> purchased fresh from many markets - in balls sort of resembling balls of 
> yarn.  It was mild, a bit salty, but oh-so-delicious.  I have never seen it 
> anywhere else (but if you ever see it, it would be fun to try).

One of the other mexican cheeses at this market looked a lot like
balls of Mozzarella... maybe that's the stuff.

>  Of course 
> the real culinary - stand-out in Oaxaca was the... (*mmmm*) (uh oh, losing 
> concentration) ..delicious...(*drool*) mole sauces ...(great, my 
> concentration's shot for the rest of the day) ... chile-heads, you would 
> appreciate them...

Speaking of which, last week my wife made veggie enchiladas with mole
sauce from a recipe that someone posted here.  The mole was out of
a jar, but it was still yummy.

Mole seems to have about 4000 ingredients and take a team of chefs
a week to prepare, so I don't think I'll be making it soon.
