Re: [CH] Recipe: Atole / Chauquehue (was: Oatmeal)

peter g (
Thu, 06 Dec 2001 12:07:22 -0800

Gawd this is becoming a weird thread ....
    However, because of proximity to the Holiday Season, here's
another beverage ... called , Athole Brose .

2 cups water
3 cups oatmeal
4 Tbsp Heather honey ( the bee stuff, not a salutation to yer girlfriend)
Stir 2 cups water into 3 cups oatmeal. Cover & set aside for 1 hour,
then press through a strainer until you have one cup of creamy liquid.
Add the honey, and stir until the two are well mixed. Pour the mixture
into a 26 oz. ( 750 ml , or fifth ) bottle & fill with whiskey. Cork the
bottle tightly. Shake it Vigorously, and serve. Now for a wee nip.
    "The Canadiana Cookbook" , Mme. Jehane Benoit , 1970

Add any chile, any way, shape or form, that strikes your fancy.
    Maybe a dusting of Mild-to-Wild apple smoked Hab powder on top.
Or mix some regular savina powder with sugar, use it to coat the rim
of the serving glass ( as if you were making a Caesar cocktail, btw ...
another Canadian invention )

There you have it
peter g