Re: [CH] anyone up to try this?!?!?

Art Pierce (
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 21:57:31 -0700

The chile-ed rum recipe on my son's site:
suggests 1 to 4 sliced open habs per quart of rum. (The sugar
isn't really necessary.)

For more about capsaicin, check out Uncle Steve:

If 1 hab has ~200,000 Scoville heat units,
that would work out to ~6,250 SUs per ounce,
about like eating a whole jalapeno or half a serrano chile.

If 4 savina habs had ~1,400,000 heat units,
that would work out to ~44,000 SUs per ounce,
about like a whole cayenne or tabasco chile.


It's been done! And is excellent. (And you can always dilute
it in a rum drink or a fruit smoothie.)

At Scott & Rosewitha's hot luck in Palo Alto in mid-May this year,
a San Francisco couple brought a 1.5 liter bottle of light Bacardi
rum in which they had soaked 8 sliced savinas since 1998. The
savinas had turned a pale milky white color. That works out to
~56,000 SUs per ounce. The rum was the hottest thing at this
hot luck, but it went pretty quickly. (It would have made an
excellent rum Bloody Mary.)