[CH] Bye bye!

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@shaw.ca)
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 15:31:28 -0700

Jason, Jason...said bye bye,
And all the chile-heads did cry,
Oh boo hoo, and Ai yi yi, 
We never even met the guy.

Oh, clicky clacky, wickey wackey,
Peppers bloom, and peppers grow.
 And all the chile-heads I've met,
Their biggest aim, is their horns to blow!

The biggest pod, the reddest pod,
The hottest one for very sure!
They are the ones that get the nod,
Cause all the rest are really poor.

So, Bye Bye Jason, fare ye well, 
You just now, finally rang our bell.
If we ignored you, we are sad
Cause now you've gone, & that's too bad.

Say....you aint related to Annie, is you?
Cheers, Doug in BC