Re: [CH] Need Site with Pics of Praejermissan Chile

Brent Thompson (
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 09:23:59 -0700

There is a species of chile named C. praetermissum -- no 'j', no 'n'.

Unfortunately, I have no photos online.
Here is some info to help identify it, though:

Capsicum praetermissum -- 

Plant size: often large, just like C. baccatum, to which praetermissum is
very very closely related, but small types (of both praetermissum and
baccatum) exist.

Leaves: usually solitary; ovate or elliptic (like all the common
domesticated chile species); usually more hairy than baccatum or
annuum/frutescens/chinense, though less so than C. pubescens.

Flowers: usually two, or one, at each node.  (The flowers are beautiful).

Corolla: 5-lobed, purple or purple-edged with green or yellow spots.

Anthers: yellow

Calyx teeth (on fruit): 5

 ---   Brent