[CH] Bye Phil!

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@shaw.ca)
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 10:03:12 -0700

And to Sandy, Sue, Brent, Alex, Scott, Dave, and whomever else
intelligent chile heads I may have missed, is not personal choice the
freedom that was taken from all those people one year ago today? Their
choice to go home from work that day, and kiss their wives and kids or
husbands, girl friends, boy friends? And look at whatever they choose to
on line or elsewhere? And to ignore any warnings they may have had that
they should not do this or that? Is this not "personal freedom" which is
no longer theirs to exercise? It IS, thankfully, because we live where
we do in America, and no group of zealots, religious, political or
whatever have the right to remove our personal freedom, which includes
the right to click or not click on ANY link on line! End of sermon!! Now
OT, we will be having dinner a week today with another couple of chile
heads, Mr.& Mrs. Andy Barnhart at Waterton National Park, and I intend
taking a few of my home grown chiles along as well. Setting slow mail
from tomorrow AM until month end! Cheers, Doug in BC