RE: [CH] Hungarian Goulash #5

Dave Drum (
Wed, 30 Oct 2002 15:21:26 -0600

At 08:49 PM 10/30/2002 +0100, wrote:
>On 29 Oct 2002, at 16:35, Alex Silbajoris wrote:
> > Wiener schnitzel's Austrian or German.
>Austrian, please. ;-)
> > Kindly pass the sauerbraten, Herman.
>Is that known in the US? (Sauerbraten, not Herman.) Me thinks it's addictive.

Oh, yes... I do it both with beef and with venison - which is magnificent. 
Also rabbit treated in the same manner (hassenpfeffer???). Served mit 
spatzele and some turnips. I almost always use some ground chile (ripe 
serrano, mostly) in the marinade to kick it up a minor notch... and to make 
the gravy tasty.


Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
Home of Hardin Cider & Yaaaaa Hoooo Ahhhhh Hot Sauce!!!