Re: [CH] dressing

Alex Silbajoris (
Mon, 25 Nov 2002 15:37:59 +0000

>From: "Mike Shimek" <>

>Alex, why are you hiding all the good stuff at the office?

One of my habits is to go get lunch at a nearby grocery store's salad bar, 
but get the dressing separately (at less cost than buying it as salad by 
weight).  So I'll have a bottle of something on hand in the office 
refrigerator.  As with many offices, we have some people who like to take 
food that other people brought.  Along the same lines as putting pepper in 
bird seed to keep squirrels out, I put pepper into my foods to discourage 
varmits (aka co-workers, especially the overnight customer support crew) 
from raiding my food.

Sometimes that leads to experimentation - so, why not try a habanero ranch 
dressing?  With this particular one, the garlic and mustard flavors add a 
nice element.

- A

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