Re: [CH] Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol

The Lash (
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 08:45:59 -0500

At 10:09 PM 12/18/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>The Lash said:"how can the guy who lost the election be sitting in the oval
>how?! HOW?!!. "
>The answer is: Electoral College. He didn't really lose. But, lots of folk,
>like yourself, who may not have taken Government 101, don't seem to
>understand that.

Mike- with all due respect- I am not a college kid- I am in my 40's, run 
two successful business, and own a string of rental properties. I have a 
background in working proudly to advance the democratic agenda. Hell, I 
even played with Bon Jovi at the last (President) Gore rally here in town. 
I know quite a bit about economics and political science. I went to school 
as a music major, but had minors in political science and computer science. 
Therefore, I really don't need you to explain the electoral college to me. 
Boy George was not elected via the popular vote, nor the electoral vote. He 
was appointed by the Supreme Court, as a representation that the good old 
boy network can still fix an election. His brother promised him the state 
of Florida, and delivered it. Yes, the way they did it was very clever, but 
it will never happen again. Bush is an embarrassment to me and my country- 
and now we are faced with the prospect of going to war with a third world 
country to avenge his daddy. Yes, the world just keeps getting better every 

Rob K
Celtic Mayhem From America