Re: [CH] Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol

Paul Wilson (
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 08:30:55 -0800

Thursday, 12/19/2002, 8:17 AM

Hi Rob K, and chile-heads,
you wrote about:' Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol'

TL> Mike- with all due respect- I am not a college kid- I am in my 40's, run
TL> two successful business, and own a string of rental properties. I have a 
TL> background in working proudly to advance the democratic agenda. Hell, I 
TL> even played with Bon Jovi at the last (President) Gore rally here in town. 
TL> I know quite a bit about economics and political science. I went to school 
TL> as a music major, but had minors in political science and computer science. 
TL> Therefore, I really don't need you to explain the electoral college to me. 
TL> Boy George was not elected via the popular vote, nor the electoral vote. He 
TL> was appointed by the Supreme Court, as a representation that the good old 
TL> boy network can still fix an election. His brother promised him the state 
TL> of Florida, and delivered it. Yes, the way they did it was very clever, but 
TL> it will never happen again. Bush is an embarrassment to me and my country- 
TL> and now we are faced with the prospect of going to war with a third world 
TL> country to avenge his daddy. Yes, the world just keeps getting better every 
TL> day-

For only the second time in the 9 or 10 years I have been on this
list, someone makes it into my kill-troll filter.
May I suggest that you visit (or return to)
There you can rant and rave all you want to with the other loony left.
This is a list about Chiles and eating the heat. (I got a nice
surprise late crop of Orange Rocotos in the last couple of weeks. I
thought they were all done for the year.)
I thank God every day that alpha-man gore was not able to steal the
election. My wife and daughters don't look good in burkas.
Have a nice day and be gone Sir!

 I shall not talk to you later,
Back off, I'm a postal worker.
The Bat! Version: 1.62 Christmas Edition