[CH] Chile Decorative Item on HSN

RisaG (radiorlg@yahoo.com)
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 16:10:36 -0800 (PST)

I was flipping through the channels this morning and
saw something on Home Shopping Network that would be
of interest to some C-H out there.

Thought I would pass the information on:

#645-032 Fitz & Floyd Spice Up My Life Charming Tails

2-3/4" H x 3-1/2" L

Mouse with sweat drops on his face and 3 glass chiles
in front of him

Unavailable anywhere else right now - exclusive to HSN

$18.00 + 4.95 s&h


add'l 1.99 extra for UPS shipping before Christmas

I didn't buy one as I have several glass chiles around
the house and I don't particularly like mouse
figurines but someone else might. 


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