[CH] Mango(e)s and peppers [Checked by NAI at US SMTP Gateway]

Sheryl Chatfield (chatfield_sl@willis.com)
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 10:39:42 -0500

dan combs wrote:

My dear departed ma' used to claim she had mangoes cross-pollinated with
hots once and the bells were hot.

my apologies if this was covered before, but whereever did this bell
pepper/mango(e) thing come from?  It was very common in Columbus, Ahia - in
particular on the west side and sothwest suburbs when I was growing up -
the pizza shop menus always used 'mango' to mean green bell pepper and
everyone I knew referred to then that way for years.  Is this strictly
regional?  If so, how far west/east?  Was there some pepper seed called
something like 'mango'?  I've always wondered about this...appreciate any

sheryl l. chatfield


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