[CH] Fatali Peppers

The NorthEast ChileMan (thenortheastchileman@attbi.com)
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 18:36:28 -0500

Thank-you Tom for an insightful opinion. Unfamiliar with Sweden's election
process.......Thought you still had that King & Queen stuff..(;>)).
See, I've learned something from another thread.
   I'm often late to respond to posts, remember you stating Fatali's doing
well in low temps & someone questioning. I had same observation this year
( first year growing) & Fatali's ripened in cooler temps & even seemed  to
*prosper* in temps below 50°F. But after fruit ripened, plant seemed to take
a nosedive & died.
  Don't know your Faith or Holiday Celebration, Merry X-Mas though,
----- Original Message -----
From: "joemama" <joemama@ticino.com>
Sent: Friday, 20 December, 2002 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: [CH] Wave a White Flag- Put Away The Pistol
> Unlike chiles, where there are large differences between them, PCs and
Macs> are like presidents, doesn't matter which you choose to use, they both
do> the job more or less, and have few real-world differences.
> A couple of Aji and Rocoto plants survived last weeks cold spell, I'll
have> to check if they survived yesterday's frost.  The Rocoto on the
balcony is> still fine, as are those inside (Rocoto, Datil, Fatali).
> Tom