Re: [CH] Solitary Bliss, desert ramblings

kuhlwlf (
Sun, 05 Jan 2003 13:35:07 -0700

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---    It *is* a prayer to the possible Angels of Moving!

You know, Spring Break is coming up soon!

Just putting out some feelers, we would love to pay for gas in exchange for 
moving a few boxes and perhaps a canine chile-head, that Maisie girl, our 
big shiny loves to live dog, will eat anything including chiles and raw 
onions (just don't turn your back on any steaks on the counter.)   We need 
to get her and the other dogs down here (not worrying about grizzlies or 
mountain lions down here in the desert too much, but the dogs still need to 

Road trip, road trip.....   good places to eat here in Santa 
Fe--  Tomasitas has chile rellenos and green chile sauce to die 
for,    Tortillas Flats wasn't bad,   Little Anita's was bland and terrible 
(don't eat there!),   still working on checking out the rest....  new here, 
have to find out.    McDonald's has green chile!  Such a major culture 
change after Montana!

At 01:18 PM 1/5/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>On Sunday, January 5, 2003, at 12:40  PM, kuhlwlf wrote:
>>Georganne, Reg, Char, Anne, any ideas for us?  Know anyone who wants to 
>>make a trip to Glacier Park or Yellowstone? Or come to visit Santa Fe and 
>>the museums and good food, Indian Pueblos, ruins, and the desert?
>>Most of our personal stuff can be packed in boxes and stored and/or 
>>shipped or transported by car as we have time.
>>The furniture, though, is going to need a trailer or trucks.
>Not sure if this was simply a mismailed personal email, but figured since 
>I'm up near Montana/Yellowstone area I may have been thought of as a 
>possible Angel of Moving <g>.  Unfortunately, school's gearing up and it's 
>pretty much an impossibility.  Gotta argue w/financial aid as well so life 
>ain't pretty now.  If I took a road trip to NM, I probably wouldn't come 
>back anyway and then all hell would break loose. Do wish the Moving Gods 
>are with those moving tho...
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