RE: [CH] World's hottest pepper--not the Red Savina?

Thu, 9 Jan 2003 20:52:57 -0000

> When you say you can eat a Tepin (and it can be
> done if they are very green), I have to ask you:
> what stage of maturity were the Tepin in, and what
> State of the country were you growing them in?  

   Eating a Tepin, fully ripened, red, mature, grown
in a secret location somewhere in the southern half of
Indiana, can be done.  I just ate a dried one, but
last fall I ate a couple of fresh ones right off the
plant.  It was hot, but typically very seedy, relative
to its size.  One interesting thing I notice is that it
made my eye sockets sweat less than most other peppers,
but my salivary glands went temporarily hyperactive.

   Barring some foolproof, objective test, I will 
continue to insist on tasting for myself.  I will also
refuse to insist that my own subjective opinion be 
accepted by others as fact.

Scott... they are tasty little fellers... KCK