Re: [CH] KNOCKING RED SAVINA off the world's record book?

John Caldwell (
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 15:58:12 -0800

Funny, I found that exact same page when I was searching for info on your
"3x as hot as a red savina" white bullet (tm) (tm) peppers.  I quote:

Q: Hi Dave! Ha!
I know the 'Red Savina' Habanero is among the hottest peppers in the world.
However, I have been hearing that the newer and rarer habanero-'Chocolate
Habanero' is even hotter than the 'Red Savina'. Please let me know. Also, I
have heard about one more newer habanero called the 'White Bullet Habanero'
or simply 'White Habanero' that may be hotter that the 'Red Savina'. Let me
know. If so, is the 'White Bullet' hotter than the 'Chocolate Habanero' or
is it vice versa? Sorry, but you now have 3 questions to answer- ha! Thanks
for taking the time to read this, and now all you have to do is respond!
Thanks again,

A: Steven:
HPLC tests at New Mexico State University rated the 'Chocolate Brown
Habanero' considerably hotter than the 'Red Savina'--see here. To my
knowledge, no one has tested this 'White Bullet' variety, but we'll be glad
to have it tested if you can provide us samples.

Take a look at the page that he linked to in his answer, and you will see
the red savina they tested came in at 256,341 scovilles... which is less
than HALF of the actual world record book figure- 577,000 scovilles.   How
bout it, craig?  Why not send him some samples, and he'll tell you how hot
those white bullets (tm) (tm) really are.  It's perfectly possible that you
had a batch of white bullets (tm) (tm) that were hotter than some red
savinas... but whether they were hotter than the record setting peppers is
another matter.

Another link, with mention of the red savina and the naga jolokia:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Craig Dremann" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 1:17 PM
Subject: [CH] KNOCKING RED SAVINA off the world's record book?

> I apologize for the list if anyone thought I was spamming.  Let me
> restate my inquiry:
> Does anyone have direct experience with any pepper that would knock Red
> Savina off the Guiness Book of World's Records?
> So far, actual university tests are reporting: "HPLC tests at New Mexico
> State University rated the 'Chocolate Brown Habanero' considerably
> hotter than the 'Red Savina'.--Dave" at
> Sincerely,  Craig Dremann, Redwood City Seed Co.