Re: [CH] Votes for any pepper

Alex Silbajoris (
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 23:16:50 +0000

>From: Craig Dremann <>

>The Anglos always drop all the accents off the Spanish words---when did
>you ever see the city in California spelled San José with an accent over
>the e?

It really isn't needed since Anglos already stress the last syllable, while 
Hispanics need it to indicate the pronunciation is not HOS-ay.  A better 
example might be the absent mark in "resume"...

As for the tilde in habanero, maybe some suppliers like to embellish the 
name with exotic punctuation.  Whether that's the cse or not, it's just a 
very common way to spell it here, regardless of the fact that Cubans don't 
spell or pronounce it that way.

It amused me, a few years ago, to visit Little Havana in Miami (Calle Ocho, 
8th Street) and find not a habanero pepper in sight.

- A

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