[CH] Prep for spring planting

Mon, 13 Jan 2003 18:03:47 -0000

   Last year I left the garden to go wild until
just prior to planting.  Big mistake as I spent
2 hours pulling weeds from 75 sq. feet of raised bed.
   This year I'm trying something different.  I dug
the beds about a foot down, turned in some leaves
that were partially rotted, sprinkled on some lime,
added a layer of leaves, watered the whole mess and
topped it off with a layer of the (anti)weed mat
   I plan to rake off any unrotted leaves come spring,
turn the soil over and retest for pH.  If we don't get
the snow they promised this wednesday I'll water it
occasionally.  The weed mat is to keep the cat from 
using the beds as giant litter boxes.

Scott... basic method lifted from OG magazine... KCK