[CH] Re: A preliminary FAQ site established.

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:12:46 +0000

>From: AndyB <quark@erols.com>

>After a number of positive inputs, I decided to place a simple,
>unofficial FAQ site for the CH List use.  It is only a bare beginning,
>but illustrated the format that I suggested in my previous message:

Let's work with that, the format is useable, and we can add questions and 
answers.  As you develop it, try to think like someone who has never been on 
the list, unaware of even the most basic issues.

At first I thought it would be better to have pepper questions first, then 
list questions, but maybe your arrangement is better.

One thing I can think of adding right away - "Are there any archives of the 

Also, since several members have developed pages of information on various 
elements of chiles and their subculture, maybe some of the answers can 
include links.

- A

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