Re: [CH] Interesting web page

Dave Drum (
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 09:29:20 -0600

At 10:06 AM 1/14/2003 -0500, George A. Starkey wrote:
>If you like this sort of thing...
>I like the cancer dosages chart.  It gives me something to strive for!
>(show me the human that can eat 2-5 lbs. of habs a day, for 30
>days...I'm sure he works as a space shuttle engine in his spare time!!)

OTOH there are some herbalists (one of whom is also an MD) who treat 
cancer-like tumors with cayenne. See Dr. John Christopher's 100 Herb 
Syllabus. According to his studies cayenne can cure, treat, help damned 
near any malady known to man... short of trauma - and even then can help 
speed healing of wounds and reduce scarring.


Uncle Dirty Dave's Kitchen
Home of Hardin Cider & Yaaaaa Hoooo Ahhhhh Hot Sauce!!!