[CH] chipotle roux

Wed, 29 Jan 2003 11:00:26 -0000

   I made a great chipotle roux and used it with
stir fried pork to make sandwichs, using hard rolls.
I cut boneless pork chops into thin strips (like
bulgogi), started stir frying, added concentrated
turkey broth (consistency of jello), finished off
with the roux, which thickened the sauce nicely.

Chipotle Roux:
heat 3 tbsp bear grease (rendered beef fat) 
add 1 tbsp chipotle powder
add 3 tbsp flour
stir constantly to cook out the raw taste of the mix
Don't try to make a really dark roux.  It'll be dark
already from the chipotle powder, and you don't want
to end up with burnt chile powder in the roux.

Scott... KCK