Re: [CH] GardenWeb Hot Pepper Forum Reply

The NorthEast ChileMan (
Sat, 1 Feb 2003 22:55:02 -0500

Hi Doug,
  Almost as old as you? I thought you served in WWI, L.B. tells me his
father served in WWI.
  It was another dark day for America & Israel as more of their sons gave
their lives so that others may live in peace & prosperity. Again I lowered
my flag to half mast, seems like a regular occurrence in the last year & a
½. My heart pains for the surviving family & friends.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Irvine" <>
To: "The NorthEast ChileMan" <>
Cc: "Byron" <>; <>
Sent: Saturday, 01 February, 2003 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [CH] GardenWeb Hot Pepper Forum Reply

> Byron won't admit it....but he is ALMOST as old as I am!! BIG :-)) But
> not quite! All of us old geezers get problems, if not like By's others,
> just as bad or worser! We are all mortal, and the events of this
> morning, over Texas, point that out, big time. Let us all spend a moment
> with whichever deity we admit to, with a prayer not only for the seven
> who left in a blaze of glory, today, but the four who left us in
> Afganistan a few days ago, when their chopper crashed. They died as
> well, but as their passing was less spectacular, only their relatives,
> friends and buddies will remember their passing. Not to diminish, in any
> way the sacrifice of the seven this morning, but we would do well to
> remember all of the service men and women, who leave us in the service
> of their countries. As we, in Canada have a fairly large presence in the
>   space program, I feel it only fitting that we remember all who have
> left us, in the duty to our respective countries, beginning with the
> three guys who died on the launch pad, so many years ago. Doug in BC