Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V8 #652

Cameron Begg (
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:00:03 -0500

Hi C-H's,

Jim asked:

>1.  Do I do a blind 'hotluck' of seeds encompassing many different
>varieties for which we will have little info as to what is what, or;
>2.  Do I drastically reduce the number of varieties available and have a
>clear map of what's what.

I vote for option 2. Even 15 types is plenty of variety for food 
peppers (as opposed to ornamentals) and less hassle for Jim to plant 

For example:
Habs and savinas for C. chinense.
Jalapenos, serranos, cayennes, Thais and some N.M. long variety for C. annuum.
A couple of "ajis" for C. baccatum.

That's only 10.

You can argue amongst yourselves for the other 5-10 :-)
                      Regards,               Cameron.