[CH] Cool new thing...

tucker (tucker@ticon.net)
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 14:59:27 -0600

  Hey 'Heads,

  My wife brought a present home from work for me yesterday!

  One of her co-workers gave her (to pass on to me) a Chili cookbook.
It's a little 5.5" x 5.5", wirebound,108 page thing put out by Philip
Morris, Inc.  It's called the Marlboro Chili Roundup, and says something
about 50 winning recipes.  They must have solicited recipes from
Marlboro smokers, and published the winners here.

  Haven't really read through the recipes yet, but the titles sound
encouraging.  What I really like about it are the great, full color
chile photos on many pages.

  Might be available from their web site (I'm assuming they MUST have a
web site)...

C-H # 2099