Re: [CH] Debate at Our House

Ted Wagner (
Fri, 14 Feb 2003 17:27:30 -0800 (PST)


Oh that brings back memories Mike!

I USED to order a side of jalapenos.  Once as a joke (MANY moons ago)
when they brought a little paper toothpaste/ketchup scrap paper cup, I
laughed and said, "No a SIDE order.  A BOWL"

Then, I got in a habit of doing that all the time.  I always got a few

I haven't done that in years.  However, (ahem) those blessed brain
cells that remain from my departure from college life crossed me one
night when I thought I'd treat myself to a bowl of jalapenos...probably
2 years ago now.  I went into a local Mexican restaurant, ordered my
bowl of jalapenos and got a few snickers and grins from the folks near
the kitchen.  I made it through half the bowl and had to surrender! 
That got a few laughs!  WOW, those were MONSTER jalapenos!

But, boy were they good!  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM


--- Mike Benson <> wrote:
> find a small bottle of Tabasco on a bar, pour myself a shot-glass of
> the stuff, and drink it just to see how people would react.  I
> haven't
> done that in a long time, but now, I bet a shot whiskey would go down
> warmer than a shot of Tabasco.

Signal Corps:  --
Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing...

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