Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V8 #658 (was: [CH] Intensive Planting)

Greg Mortensen (
Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:42:12 -0500

> Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:47:13 -0500
> From: "T. Matthew Evans" <>
> Subject: [CH] Intensive Planting


> Have any of you worked with very intensive
> plantings?  I mean, six to eight inches apart?  I have heard of folks doing
> this with gardens in general, but not specifically chiles.

During the 2000 season, I used a heating pad (for the first time) to help
germinate my seeds.  I was used to getting only 50% to germinate, so I
doubled up the seed in every starter cup.  Long story short:  With the
vermiculite kept at 95-100 degrees, almost every seed (43 different
varieties) sprouted.

While I had set aside a 20 x 20 area for my garden, I had covered the
majority of it with black plastic (to try and cook the mint plants that
the previous owner allowed to grow wild).  That left me with about 20 x 4
to work with.  I planted the plants (almost 100 of them) on 10"
centers, and I left a little walkway between block every 3 feet or so
(just like Mel's "Square foot gardening").

The plants produced prolifically.  I didn't need to water them often (even
though it was a very hot summer), as the closeness of the plants retained
moisture very well.  I didn't need to weed, either.  My only complaint is
that it was a royal pain at harvest time: there's not a whole lot of room
when you cram the plants in there.


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