which grow best in the woods? (was Re: [CH] Which Grow Best In Pots?)

Chad A Gard (gard@indy.net)
Wed, 12 Mar 2003 09:35:35 -0500

On Tuesday, March 11, 2003, at 04:24  PM, Love2Troll wrote:

>> Of the following, which would do best
> in the pots?
> RisaG,
> In a word(s)...  all of them will do well in pots.  I live in a wooded 
> area and must grow in containers.  Well over 100 tomato & pepper 
> varieties in the last 10 years.

OK, someone with experience growing with limited light...  Which 
peppers would grow best (or least poorly) in a heavily shaded, very 
small back yard that only gets northern light due to buildings, and the 
northern light is filtered by very very large oak trees up top, tulip 
poplar and mulberry choked with morning glory (morning glory has to be 
the most evil plant in the midwest outside of poison ivy...) through 
the middle, and invasive honeysuckle with a bit of poison ivy down low?

Since I can't even grow grass, hostas struggle, and have taken to 
mulching my entire back yard, I had given up on growing my own chiles 
until I am able to buy my own place (no time soon, I fear).  But if one 
person can grow in the woods, perhaps I can, too.   What would folks 
suggest for, say, 5 5-gallon bucket's for containers, my given lighting 
situation, my preference for moderation, and location in Indianapolis?  
And, outside of hot peppers, could I grow a paprika in my lighting in a 

Chad A Gard
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