[CH] =?iso-8859-1?Q?=BFHot=3F?= Pickled Okra

Mark McHugh (mt_mchugh@internet-stat.net)
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 23:06:38 -0600

I was roaming the aisles of my local Park'n'Shop here in Illinois when I spied
something new on the shelf:  Pickled Okra from Talk o' Texas.  I grabbed a jar
of the "hot".  When I got home I cracked the seal and sampled.  Good flavor and
crunchy, not a mushy one yet, but I think the heat would disappoint even the
chileheads of mild persuasion.  There looks to be a partial Thai pepper in the
bottom of the jar, but I don't think much of the heat translated.

The company is located in one of my favorite Texas towns, San Angelo, and they
have a website:

Mark McHugh