[CH] Re: Growing in Pots

Rob Lusk (rlusk@dslextreme.com)
Sat, 15 Mar 2003 23:13:57 -0800

RisaG wrote:

>Of the following, which would do best in the pots?

>Lemon Drop
>Orange Thai
>Orange Serrano
>Guam Boonie
>Fish pepper
>Yellow Mushroom
>Stripe Peppers
>Orange Devil Habanero
>Ring of Fire*
>Spanish Spice
>Little Nubian

Hello Risa.
I'm sorry this is so late, I've been trying to catch up with 2 months of

I have grown all types of Thais with great sucess in pots of almost any
size. Serranos grow very well in pots but tend to get a bit leggy.  You're
right about the habaneros.
It's been my expierence that they will grow in large pots only
(14"-16" across, 24" deep). Planting habs in small pots usually results in
very stunted plants that yeild pea sized chiles.  I've also had great sucess
with rocotos, Wax peppers, jalapenos, pequins and tepins.

Rob Lusk