[CH] Cayenne? pepper

Wed, 26 Mar 2003 12:33:06 -0500

Hi all! Just a short story from my life (or at least something I heard
about today).

A guy I work with was making a pot of stew for the next evening's meal.
His 7 year old son was helping.
He was cutting up the potatoes very nicely so my friend went into the
other room and left his son to cook.
The next evening the family sat down to dinner and was informed by the
son that he had added come cayenne pepper to the stew "for extra
Dinner had barely begun when everyone began to get a little warm. Then
warmer, and warmer, and then finally uncomfortably hot!

Which cayenne pepper did you use, Son?

The one in the little plastic tube!

You mean the one given to me by Jeff at work which used to contain
several tablespoons of apple smoked red savina powder?


And the worst part was he told me the story but didn't bring me any

Maybe next time,
