[CH] yatsufusa

Brent Thompson (brent@hplbct.hpl.hp.com)
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 10:50:38 -0800

> Unfortunately this spring, this variety became commercially extinct in
> Japan.  If you liked this variety and want to grow it in the future, start
> saving your seeds, until a seed company starts picking it up and reproduces
> the seed commercially again.  Otherwise, Yatsufusa will go the way that the
> other Japanese hot peppers did in the 1980s, like Hontaka and Santaka, into
> commercial seed extinction.

Why is this?  Are seeds of any hot chiles being commercially propagated in
Japan nowadays?  Or is the Japan market small enough they are now satisfied
to just use seeds of common ordinary chile varieties imported from USA or
 ---    Brent