Re: [CH] Hiccups

Dave Drum (
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 14:48:06 -0600

At 02:50 PM 4/1/2003 -0500, Gary Bellinger wrote:
> > At 08:49 AM 4/1/2003 -0800, Susan And Graham Marshall wrote:
> > >Heres a dumb question but I have always wondered why it is that if I eat
> > >something really spicy I get the hiccups until the fire cools down and
> > >disappear, why is that???  I have heard other people say the same thing.
> >
> > Happens to me, too. I figure it's my throat calling me a Chile idiot. So,
> > I kick it up a notch. MY throat doesn't rule my life.   <GGG>
> >
> > ENJOY!!!
> >
>Its not my throat that bothers me in my battle of my body vs the heat. Its
>farther down south of there. No, not the stomach.....a little farther.

I've never had that problem. Good genes or something. Don't have to worry 
about cholesterol, either. Must be nature's way of compensating me for not 
being drop dead handsome.   Bv)=


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