[Fwd: Re: [CH] Rumsfeld warns first strike on Avery Island]

douglas barnhart (dabhome@enter.net)
Wed, 30 Apr 2003 18:40:03 -0400

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [CH] Rumsfeld warns first strike on Avery Island
Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2003 16:38:26 -0400
From: douglas barnhart <dabhome@enter.net>
To: maclagan8@bigpond.com, Chile-Heads <chile-heads@globalgarden.com>
References: <a05111b00bad5565faa4d@[]>

maclagan8@bigpond.com wrote:

>     In a speech that surprised even such high-level Republican
>     confidantes as Bill Frist, Tom Delay and Britt Hume, U.S.
>     Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld today called on Congress to
>     allow President Bush to proceed with plans for military action
>     against the state of Louisiana.
> You Know After Louisiana,,,,"Indiana is NEXT" !!!!!

      "Chile-Heads must Prepare to Defend Ourselves",,,Dose This mean 
    I've got my Pure-Cap and Hab Dust,,,Ohh No dose this mean The Government
     Is gonna collect  all of our Capsaisin Ammo,,Where should  I hide 
it ,,,,
      I Know Ill Eat it First then when they knock on my door Ill let 
them have it
        With the Ring  of  FIRE !!!! I Will Fighrt till the End !!!
          Run JIM It's Not too late!!!   I ll cover you from The Eastern 
           They Dont call it Bloody Bucks Co. for nothin!!!
            Why Else do you think That Goerge Washington Crossed the 
Delaware Here!!
              Good Luck to All Chile-Heads ,,And May GOD Protect US ALL!!!
                                      Doug B. in Bucks Co.Pa. U.S.A.   
CH # 2061