[CH] Re: using a URL in a message

Alex Silbajoris (asilbajo@hotmail.com)
Sun, 04 May 2003 11:11:47 +0000

>From: Dave Drum <xrated@ameritech.net>

>Don't just click on the *blue* part of the URL or you'll get this.....
>Sorry, the page you have requested is not available

If a URL wraps into several lines, I copy it line by line into the browser 
address bar.  I begin with the last part, then when I paste the next segment 
I hit Home first to put the cursor at the beginning of the string, and on 
until I've copied the first line (that is usually the only one shown as a 

I'm not sure why these links don't work as they are; it may be that the mail 
client inserts a line break that is illegal in a web address.

Ob chile:  I took a road trip yesterday and failed to bring my own pepper.  
I was eating a McDonald's breakfast and resorting to tearing open the tiny 
paper packs of stale black pepper, it was terrible.

-  A

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