Re: [CH] Capsaicin Candy

Walter Spencer (
Mon, 5 May 2003 07:07:28 +0100

Allen Marshall wrote in reference to Ted Wagners need for Pure Capsaicin.

Subject: RE: [CH] Capsaicin Candy

> > Ok, here's a good one.  Who of you out there has experimented with Pure
> > Cap in hard candy recipes?
> >
> > I want to make a chile pepper candy for my father's birthday in
> > December...I have plenty of time to experiment.  If anyone has
> > experimented with Pure Cap, let me know.  I've got a few hard candy
> > recipes, but I don't want to overload it.  I also though about puree'd
> > chiles...1/4 tsp would probably do.
> >
> *refrains from railing against pure capsaicin use*
> Why not use a pepper with a proven track record of working well with
sweets like jalape~no or habanero or japones or something?  Is this a joke
gift or does he really like hot?

Why not indeed Allen. I am a baby when it comes to Hot Pepper law, but one
really ought to take into consideration, the fact that whereas a juicy
Orange Habenero will have rate a stunning 300,000 units, as per the Scoville
method of testing. Pure Capsaicin though has proved, in Laboratory tests, to
rate a truly staggering 15,000,000 units. Yes, I mean 15,000,000.

I might like a days shooting, but do I have to take a great howitzer to grab
a few pigeons? Remembering my late Father, I surely would not want to
inflict the kind of intense agony, that Laboratory tests have indicated
comes from the application of one drop of pure Cap. Oh well, what do I know.
But if I was Ted I would buy his father a nice fat bottle of Daves Insanity
Sauce instead.
Walt. An old chile-head from the old country.

"Vacilators sap the strength of the strongest nation"