Re: [CH] Condolences to Walt

Walter Spencer (
Mon, 5 May 2003 16:17:01 +0100

In reply to Alex.

I think you 'all American Guys and Gals' have it made. As I said, I can't
afford to visit McDonalds these days, nor would I wish to do so, (one glance
through the window at them all sitting at undersized tables, drinking out of
Poly Foam cups is enough to deter me) But packs of pepper flakes? I
wish!!!!! Now if they had had had li'l darlings like that one their tables,
maybe I would still be a patron, in spite of the Poly Foam cups.

> >Oh how I wish!
> Yes, I think _I'm_ Walt this time, I was the one at McDonald's.
> Quite a while ago, the ones here used to have small pizzas on the menu,
> in those days you could sometimes find the small packs of red pepper
>   But this one didn't even have pepper shakers on the tables, just the
> packs.
> Somewhere, some inventor has his condo in Florida because he managed to
> the food industry on his design for tiny paper packs that NEVER tear open
> the way they're supposed to.
> "We'll make them try to snap it open, see, and then once it's crumpled
> they'll have to tear it across!"
> "But won't that make it harder to get the pepper out?"
> "Who cares!  We'll only put 17 grains of pepper in each pack anyway!
> to get some spice out of these things will be like playing scratch-off
lottry tickets!"
> - A

Hottest regards! Walt. An old chile-head from the old country.

"Nothing drains a companies moral fibre more surely than having a vacilator
on the board"