Re: [CH] Candy and Discovery

Walter Spencer (
Tue, 6 May 2003 06:43:21 +0100

Hi Ted. Checked out them Kolanches and they sure sound good. You are right,
it is of Czech origine apparently. Filling consists of Egg. Sugar. Flour.
Raisins and Cottage Cheese. Yum Yum. Might they have been a little better
though with some hot pepper mince mixed with the cottage cheese?

There is a Kolanche festival coming soon, Held 19th September. The Square.
Downtown. Caldwell. Texas. Do they do the Hots in Texas?  Maybe they will
get around to the missing ingredient.

Ted wrote.....

> Well, no secret really.  This is a chain restaurant of sources that sells
kolaches.  I know kolaches from my grandmother as she is Polish. But
according to the owner of this franchise, this is a Czech kolaches.  Kind of
like a pastry with filling in the middle.
> Ted

> > > I tried one of their jalapeno kolaches and was I ever surprised!  I
thought they'd have little flecks of pepper in there.  NOPE!  The  whole
thing stuck inside with some cheese to boot.  BOY was that good!
> Ted

Hottest  regards. Walt. An old chile-head from the old country.

"Truth and vacilation, like Oil and Water, only mix when heated and
stressed.... Never willingly".