[CH] Felt a bit Crabby

Walter Spencer (g0tuj@g0tuj.karoo.co.uk)
Wed, 7 May 2003 18:07:55 +0100

Hi there C-H'ers. Felt a bit Crabby today, so off I went and bought a nice
large Crab for Tea. I fancied it with chile peppers, but how to do it? All I
could think of was to dress the Crab and put all the meat into a bowl with a
few chopped green Cayenne peppers. It turned out to be a treat but I cannot
help feeling that I missed an opportunity to be chile creative here. Going
to ask the List how they would have tackled this cullinary treat. Any ideas
out there?  Walt. An old chile-head from the old country.

"Vascilators think that truth is a form of plasticine, to be twisted and
reformed as they wish. How wrong they are."