Re: [CH] Felt a bit Crabby

Ted Wagner (
Thu, 8 May 2003 04:36:56 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks everyone.  What a great cultural lesson from me.  I was wrong
even when I figured it out!  wow.

Sorry about that everyone.  Like I said, too much beer for me in the


--- Doug Irvine <> wrote:
> Ted Wagner wrote:
> > Walt my friend, please don't take offense here, I'm just a bit
> foggy on
> > the brain today....had too much of Juanita's Picante sauce.
> > 
> > Let me get this straight. in spinldly legged pinching
> crabs
> > and blue crabs and Alaskan King crab type crabs, right?
> > 
> > And, you said in Earl Gray and such?  Crab + tea?  Hmmmm
> > never heard of a cobination such as this.  Perhaps I'm missing the
> true
> > meaning in the "true" English english to American english language
> > transfer.  Tea as in broth or tea as in the Earl Gray variety?
> >   
> Wrong! Limey(whoops!)tea, as in "have it for tea" means supper on
> this 
> continent because Tea as opposed to Dinner, which is middle of the
> day 
> meal, or not,depending on the day, is the meal eaten in late mid 
> afternoon, and if a lunch was had that day as well, then Dinner would
> be 
> much later in the evening. Confused yet? We in British Columbia, eat 
> normal meals at normal times, but the British still maintain the old 
> traditional way of eating, which likely started way back when the 
> breadwinner did not arrive home from his long day of labour, until 
> nearly 7:00 PM, and whereas his wife had already had tea in the late 
> afternoon, he prbably had stopped off at the pub and consumed a
> couple!
> Cheers, Doug on Vancouver Island

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