RE: [CH] YKYAMI whaaaa?

Wed, 28 May 2003 14:19:03 -0000

> We have the king of all hotness...or a real hottie as
> they Scott Parkhurst.  THIS is the man who
> slathered Backdraft on a chunk of The Bread
> and......ATE IT!  And LIVED!  It was an amazing feat
> of daring do.

   Your praise is much too generous.  I was but one of
three who responded to your ludicrous "double-dog-dare"
to dip The Bread in Backdraft.  John in Topeka, as well
as my wife did the same.  Her exact words, once she
caught her breath, were, "You people are insane!"

   Also, I consider myself relatively moderate, with
occasional forays into the dark side.  When I'm in the
mood for sweat inducing, eyeball peeling, mind warping
heat it's off the deep end I go.

Scott... KCK