[CH] lousy Indiana weather...

George A. Starkey (gas@kdlegal.com)
Wed, 04 Jun 2003 10:19:22 -0500

It is a lovely October-like June here in central Indiana.  Damp, gray,
I have 4 jalapeno plants that, if it don't warm up some, will mature in
about NEVER. Though, there are a smattering of buds on the plants.
I need to stress them. They look bored.  Right now, they are just
happily sitting there next to the Roma tomatoes, watching the silver
maple saplings sprout and be killed by yours truly.
Quite the year for "helicopters".

C12H21N2O3PS +C18H27NO3 = Yuck

I try and make it a practice to never put anything on my food that I
see advertised in a commercial with a tractor and a bare field.
