[CH] Roll-out time.

Walter Spencer (g0tuj@g0tuj.karoo.co.uk)
Wed, 4 Jun 2003 15:38:04 +0100

Hi CH's. Just wanted to tell ya that things are moving around here. Today I
actually got my plants (whats left of them) transferred into 1 Gallon Pots.
Scotch Bonnet. Jalapeno. Fresno and two sweet peppers. dedo De Mocha and
Lipstick. They are at the moment doing fine, in spite of the showers which
keep coming in. Not been a good time though as I have lost several, due to
the cold and persistent wind.

I also have some plants ( very stunted specimens I am afraid) in what I call
my Hydroponics area. I have Cayenne. Scotch Bonnet. Serano. Fresno and a
sweet pepper, Dedo De Mocha. Have had a terrible time with these poor
plants. Partly from my inexperience in this medium. I have learned a lot
since I began with this idea, but too late I fear to help the present crop.I
do want to develop my skills here and am already well on my way. It grieves
me, because they ought to have outshone the soil based plants, but for
reasons stated they haven't.

Finally. My one big (BIG. BIG) dissapointment is that I wanted to specialise
in that most beautiful pepper, the Rocoto. Sadly, all the precious seed that
Rob Pieters so kindly donated to me, ( sorry Rob, I let you down) have gone.
All I have seen to date, are three sprouts, barely visible through the
surface of the soil, in three seperate pots. They have been visible for a
long time now. For over a week in fact and refuse to come up any higher.
What do I do CH's? I am petrified in case I lose what I have left. If anyone
has any experience of this, then I would appreciate knowing, so that maybe,
just maybe I can still have my Rocoto dream come true. Hottest regards to
all. Walt.CH#2218. An old Chile-Head from the old country.