Re: [CH] Chipotle Mayonnaise

Scott (
Sun, 22 Jun 2003 22:02:32 -0400

On Sun, 22 Jun 2003 17:29:27 EDT, wrote:

-->Don't knwo if it was already mentioned on the list, but French's has
a line 
-->of "gourmet" mayo's, including Chipotle chile.  To my pleasure and
suprise, it 
-->actually had some kick and flavor.  Went well both on mesquite
smoked turkey 
-->from the deli, and on tuna fish.


glad to hear that's a decent tasting flavored mayo product.
i've been kind hesitant on trying these as my first experience was with
Kraft Lime Flavored.
it was some really lame stuff, IMO.

scott in FTL