Re: [CH] camping ideas?

Doug Irvine (
Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:58:14 -0700

Helen L. Gillis wrote:
> Thanks for the hint.  It didn't, HOWEVER, keep the MOOSE away at 5:14 a.m.
> Sploooosh, crash, splooosh, crash, crash, crash...through the lake, then
> campsite, then the woods...  holy moley Batman!

Hi, huh? There is a town in British Columbia named Sicamous, 
and the way it got that name, so the story goes, is that one of the 
early Scottish explorers with Hudson Bay Company, saw this tremendous 
animal coming out of the lake, and he asked the guide what it was. The 
guide told him "That's a Moose" The Scot looked at the guide, looked at 
the Moose, and said " Sic a mouse! " Scottish for "Such a mouse!" The 
name stuck, and Sicamous it is, to this day. Very pretty little town, 
with a beautiful lake, great fishing, wonderful vacation site! And not 
too far away, is the Adams River, where the sockeye come back to spawn, 
every year. I remember the first time I ever saw them, it was a heavy 
year(every fourth year)and you could walk across the river on the fish, 
as long as the bears would let you! Cheers, Doug in BC