[CH] Revisiting an old (sort of) topic...

tucker (tucker@ticon.net)
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:23:07 -0500

  Happy Fall to all....   (grumble, grumble),

 I was reminded this past weekend of the recent posts regarding some 'Heads Savinas not
being terribly hot.   I finally had my first ripe one this past Sunday, and I have to say
that my Habs. were definitely hotter (both grown under the same conditions).  I was able to
eat a far larger piece, and with far less food, than with the Habs., which also allowed me
to enjoy the flavor of it.  Not I just have to wait for the other six or seven pods (among
two plants) to fully ripen.  Which brings up the fact that my Hab. is a far smaller plant
than one of the Savinas, yet the Hab. had easily more than twice the yield.  Odd.....

  One wave of pods dried and waiting for the grinder, with one or two more yet to go this

C-H # 2099 & First Lieutenant of the Moderate Corps