[CH] Contradictions

Mon, 16 Feb 2004 13:19:24 -0800

Bleach is typically 5 or 6% sodium hypoclorite and 95 or 94% water, hence it's 
already diluted. You need to use the 5 or 6% solution full strength then rinse with 

Milk or ice cream work better than water or beer. OTOH, why not sit back and enjoy 
the burn? It only lasts for a few minutes.


> Babs main concern was for the heavy plastic gloves I had used for the
> de-seeding operation. I reasured her that the CH's had affirmed the efficay
> of dilute bleach for removing the accumulation of Chile Oil. Ah, but when
> this old lad gave them a thorough scouring in the dilute bleach, he was
> horrified to find that they still had a heavy coating of Chile Oil. A repeat
> showed that the dilute bleach was not doing what we had been told it would.
> Hmm! Now who was it that gave me that particular piece of information?
> Another point worth noting is that Milk, the much advertised antidote to
> Chile Burn, isn't an antidote at all. After taking a bite of Hab (If Big Jim
> can do it, then why not me?) and finding it a wee bit hotter than
> anticipated. Great flavour, oh yes. But rather hot. I began sweating rather
> profusely and dutifully reached for the milk jug. Standing there with my
> mouth filled to the limit with milk I found that the expected relief was not
> to come. Ten minutes later, still with my mouth full of milk I knew that I
> had chosen a broken reed to rest on. My mouth and throat were still on fire.
> Milk then, is not an antidote to Hab Burn.
> Great fun though all the same. Now those Habs are safe and sound and ready
> for making my absolutely essential Hab Sauce which I need to complement that
> 'Elixir of Life' Ralphs Righteous and it's equally hot fellow, Red Savina
> and Garlic. Just thought I would come in though and dispell that eroneous
> info on mild bleach and milk. Have a super hot time CH's. Regards CH#2218.
> An old Chile Head from the old country.